Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We Have Roll-Over & Roto Virus...

I haven't blogged about events for a couple of weeks now...so we'll start from the first BIG event, Riley rolled over! She rolled over (with her trying) a few days before Christmas at 3 months. Now, since she has figured out how to roll, she's rolling everywhere and so now it's a watchful eye ALL the time. The day after Christmas everyone around here caught the Roto Virus, so the lucky few who haven't so far include me, Chris, Riley....Logan was the latest victim. Luckily he wasn't that bad and is feeling much better today. Riley also slept in her crib for the first time and she was so comfortable, she slept until 9:30! Chris was a little upset that his baby girl was leaving our room...but he did much better last night with it. Everything else around here is pretty much the same. Here are some pics of Riley in her crib...

Looking Up

Sleepy Baby



Dana said...

Yay for rolling over! She's getting so big!

Amanda Hoyt said...

Too cute!!

Amanda Hoyt said...

Sorry, meant to add that I hope everyone gets better (and doesn't catch the virus) soon!!