Friday, March 6, 2009

Video Tears...

Ok, if you know me then you know I LOVE Rascal Flatts they officially released their new video for "Here Comes Goodbye" today and it is great. It's the first time in a long time I have cried form a video..yes I had actual tears. Listening to the song you think it's about something else but after watching the video all I have to say is WOW, their new album Unstoppable comes out April 7th which also is my hubby's b-day so it's gonna be a great's the video:(you need to pause my music player on the bottom of the page)

Rascal Flatts - Here Comes Goodbye - Official Video


Mrs. Bell said...

im confused, so her son passed away?? thats horrible!

AmyT said...

I cry over the littlest things!

The Musgrove's said...

Such a great video! It took me a minute because I thought it was her husband and daughter that died, but then realized that it was her son. The little girl and man was her and her dad. This was so sad and brought tears to my eyes too.